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Hey friend,

Thank you SO much for taking time to learn about me and my mission to spread the good word and love of Our Father.

I grew up in Louisville, KY with my loving family who raised me in our local Baptist church. My family has been on many mission trips along with missionaries in our home as I was being raised. I didn’t quite understand why but I knew, mission work was going to be something I would do. I always wanted to go on the trips but at the ripe age of 6, school was important too. 

Fast forward to 2016, when I graduated from the University of Kentucky. I was researching long term missions, but the Lord knew I was not spiritually ready. I lacked a relationship with the Lord and felt ‘doing’ would be the answer to the open space in my heart. 

In 2018, I moved to Tampa, Florida. At this time, I had been through many dark times, ending of relationships, the death of my closest friend, and addictions. The Lord made the path to Florida because he was preparing for my purpose but there was more work to be done before I got there.

I began attending Radiant Church, where I was accepted, loved and involved. God began to bring light to my desires and my trust in Him truly began to form a relationship, a bond and an understanding. I began to serve with our high school students leading the 11th grade bible study and joined the intercessory prayer team. 

Gods love for me and his purpose for me became clearer, and my passion for missions only grew stronger. In August 2019 I went on my first mission trip to Cambodia. In the journal I kept, the first page I wrote: “As I spent time praying during travel, God spoke to me as I slept, he said to me “I am ready for you to step out. This trip is equipping you for where you will be in the future” Hebrews 1:12- ..but you remain the same, and your years will never end.” The Lord remained the same in my life this whole time, and He will continue to. There is change and strength the Lord has placed in my heart so that I may continue the work of His hands here on Earth which will never end.

Cambodia was the confirmation that I am meant to do long term mission work and the Lord is ready for that journey to begin. Within this next year as we prepare, I will be diligently seeking the Lord and His calling for me. 

Your PRAYERS and SUPPORT will go to the Salvation of those who have not been able to hear the good word and feel the love of our Lord. Again, I thank YOU for taking the time to learn about me and my mission. 

By subscribing your email to my blogs, you will be able to stay in the loop of my journey to The World Race and everything that is to come when I leave January 2021. Did I mention we were heading to Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile!!!

Love Always,



2 responses to “About Me”

  1. Hello there I hope all is well and it looks like you are enjoying yourself have been thinking about you and I remembered you sent me the blog before you left. Good luck and hope to talk to you n see you soon..