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Thoughts & Inspiration

 Identity: the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.


If you know me you know that I have said that many times before, “I’m not a dog person”. “I’m not a kid person”. My team mates quickly caught on to these identities I’ve been walking in for years now. 


Identity is a scary thing we can latch onto. It creates a comfort in who we say we are and directly affects the way we respond and/or receive from others…


But identities change. When we place identity into emotions/feeling/people/ titles or even an attribute of you someone else decided on, the moment we don’t align with that identity the process of shifting begins. Whether it be growth or maybe an “unlearning” of what we thought, something has to be let go and then filled again. 


Ya see, that’s identity in the unstable. In the changeable. But there are promises God gives us when our identity, who we ARE, is stable in Him. 


A firm foundation- Matthew 7:24-27

A Child- John 1:12 

Transformed life- Colossians 3:1-4

Unwavering character- Hebrews 13:8


I’m the first to let you know, resting identity in anything other than the Lord brings confusion, and constant “restarts” of …finding myself again. 


An identity with the Lord isn’t open ended questions, failure to not hold up who you said you are, or shame in changing. 


It’s contentment. It’s freedom. It’s something we are all searching for. 


My prayer for you my friend is to ask yourself, what do you identify with and how will that sustain you? 


Here’s some pics of my recent changes  



First picture is my second puppy save and the second picture is my first attempt at holding a baby and not being awkward… progression 

8 responses to “I Am Not a Dog Person. I Am Not a Kid Person”

  1. And you weren’t much of a garden girl before… And look at you now a regular Central American Farmer! The ever-evolving new creation of our Heavenly Father -molding you and shaping you to what he intends for you to be for Him! We love you Becca, think of you often, talk about you a lot and see your pictures in our home everyday. Can’t wait to see you, hug you, welcome you home and hear all the stories.

  2. Hahaha this is so good Becca. So crazy how we claim things as true just because they are our comfort zone, when sometimes challenging what we’ve always clung to is actually the most freeing thing! I think there is something here for everyone to learn from!! Thank for sharing! I really like your writing… it’s very informal yet ~~intentional~~ (:

    Looking forward to catching up with you in a few weeks!

  3. So so so good!! Wow I continuously learn so much from you and am always encouraged to keep seeking God and letting him lead and grow me! Being on this squad with you has been such a huge blessing to me! I’m honored to have had you as my team lead! Love ya Becca!!